Hanna Eisenbath
Whats up next...
Hanna is currently focused on gaining theatrical representation and producing original content.
She is also striving to visit a new restaurant in Los Angeles once a month!
I became an Actor,
"because fully living in the emotions of another and completely trusting your partner while doing so results in inspiring art. It is a rare moment when your body and mind are completely free."
“When we were in Argonautika together, she and I sat at a coffee shop for two hours and talked about what on Earth this play meant and what our characters’ relationships were...anytime we made headway on a theory we got UNREASONABLY excited.” - MSU Spotlight
“She brings life to new projects, but will always be the first one to get down to business. If you need someone to get the job done, she is your girl.” - MSU Spotlight
"Steve Isom, Teresa Doggett, Chaunery Kingsford Tanguay and Hanna Eisenbath provide lively portraits of the garish, loud Germans oblivious to anything but their own needs."
— Limelight, St. Louis
"A special mention for...Hanna Eisenbath, who pass through several scenes as German tourists. Every appearance is thoroughly delightful, though their cheerfully delivered Nazi marching songs are tinged with a foreboding that makes one mortified for feeling such delight."
— Broadway World, St. Louis